Support and Donate

Support and Donate

Our Impact Sustainable Hubs

Our Impact Sustainable Hubs

Combining Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with tree planting for rural farmers is a powerful strategy, addressing environmental, social, and economic challenges. This approach supports climate action, biodiversity conservation, and poverty alleviation, promoting a balanced and resilient future.   

Planting Hope, Trees for Nature and People

«Our partnership with organisations like CSRC ( amplifies our efforts, aiding in infrastructure development and driving meaningful change among marginalised farmers. Together, we prioritise biodiversity and empower farmers with guidance in tree cultivation, modern organic farming, and micro-enterprises. Leveraging our partners’ expertise in best practices and community welfare, we extend our impact even further.»

Sitraim Thanka

“ I can see that the people are beginning to see that we are bringing them to a safer place , they were a little afraid but now that we have a central nursery they can see things are happening in the community and our impact is being felt around the community in how we are helping the poor.

Sitraim Thanka, General Manager.

Our impact

Our goal is to sell 100,000 tokens per annum, which will deliver a total benefit of €11m in the first 10 years and then €3.1m per annum once we reach full potential.

How to Support Our Work

Our vision is to plant 10 million native trees and fruit &nut trees in marginalized areas across Asia, promoting sustainability amid climate change challenges. We strongly believe in the interconnectedness of people and the environment, working to improve lives one tree at a time. By bridging societal divides and embracing a holistic approach, we aspire to create a positive impact. Your support is essential in turning this vision into a reality for a more sustainable future.

New Growth Token

To make it simple to donate, we have created a New Growth Token that you can buy which will deliver benefits for the very long term to those who need it most.  

Each Token costs €10 and for this, we will plant:

  • 3 fruit and nut trees, benefiting 1 family
  • 4 native forestry trees for community benefit.

Trees take time to grow, so we adopt a long-term approach to our work. Fruit and nut trees can transform rural communities, offering sustainable benefits for families.


Select an amount to contribute and help make a difference.

Select the amount of tokens: 50
After 10 years, the value per year of your donation is:
Fruit and Nut trees
Forestry Community Trees
Families Helped
Over the first 10 years, the benefit of your donation is
The trees have a 25 year expected life span, so your donation will have an expected lifetime benefit of

The Benefits for the community

After 10 years, the fruit and nut trees provide €210 per year in terms of monetary value of product and the forestry community trees provide €100 in terms of product benefit in monetary value.

Over the first 10 years, the benefit of the token you purchase is €1,100, and we expect that the trees will have an average lifespan of 25 years, so the total expected lifetime benefit is over €5,500.

Spotlight on a family: The Nepali family

Meet the Nepali family: living in a small rural village, they have very little land of their own. Their income is meagre, relying on the small portion of land they can use for growing vegetables. To make ends meet, they must lease additional land for cash crops. Three families share a single roof, making it difficult to find enough space for everyone. By providing them with fruit and nut trees, cash crops , we can offer a sustainable source of income and nutrition, improving their living standards and helping them overcome the challenges they face.

The poverty line

The poverty line, typically determined by household income, is often below $1,000 per annum for farmers, rural communities, or individuals with lower incomes.

What each household receives

Each household receives a donation of up to 21 fruit and nut trees from the established nursery upon joining the co-op or community group. Once trained in growing these trees, they can receive more.
The community commits to passing this gift on to the next community as part of the gifting process. This ensures your gift keeps on giving and helps us maintain valuable expertise in the region to draw on.

What you receive (monthly subscriptions) Creating resilient communities Our Solutions

What you receive (monthly subscriptions) Creating resilient communities Our Solutions

One off donations /monthly

1 Household Package:
7 Tokens

Bronze Package

3 Household Package:
21 Tokens (€210)

Silver Package

10 Household Package:
70 Tokens (€700)

Gold Package

20 Household Package:
40 Tokens (€1,400)


7 Tokens
  • Planting Cert and Impact Cert
  • Quarterly Newsletter for all sponsors
  • CSR green credentials
  • Certificate sent to employees /customers
  • Co2 offset for the planet
  • Send tree gifts to your employees and clients
  • Share your impact bespoke message
  • Plant for your business employees
  • Corporate Logo on website
  • You get your own personal impact page branding customised .
  • Tree Certificates sent to employees /customers
  • Bespoke investment storytelling for you


21 Tokens
  • Planting Cert and Impact Cert
  • Quarterly Newsletter for all sponsors
  • CSR green credentials
  • Certificate sent to employees /customers
  • Co2 offset for the planet
  • Send tree gifts to your employees and clients
  • Share your impact bespoke message
  • Plant for your business employees
  • Corporate Logo on website
  • You get your own personal impact page branding customised .
  • Tree Certificates sent to employees /customers
  • Bespoke investment storytelling for you


70 Tokens
  • Planting Cert and Impact Cert
  • Quarterly Newsletter for all sponsors
  • CSR green credentials
  • Certificate sent to employees /customers
  • Co2 offset for the planet
  • Send tree gifts to your employees and clients
  • Share your impact bespoke message
  • Plant for your business employees
  • Corporate Logo on website
  • You get your own personal impact page branding customised .
  • Tree Certificates sent to employees /customers
  • Bespoke investment storytelling for you


140 Tokens
  • Planting Cert and Impact Cert
  • Quarterly Newsletter for all sponsors
  • CSR green credentials
  • Certificate sent to employees /customers
  • Co2 offset for the planet
  • Send tree gifts to your employees and clients
  • Share your impact bespoke message
  • Plant for your business employees
  • Corporate Logo on website
  • You get your own personal impact page branding customised .
  • Tree Certificates sent to employees /customers
  • Bespoke investment storytelling for you