Planting Partners

At New Growth, we're dedicated to sustainable practices and forging partnerships to address deforestation, biodiversity loss, and economic poverty.

Our partners help us plant alliances for a better tomorrow.

Our partners help us plant alliances for a better tomorrow.

Tree Planting Sponsor

Planta Mi Arbol

Costa Rican organization dedicated to planting trees on behalf of other companies and individuals, around the world. We are connecting with New Growth and their established reforestation and tree donations program and we are acting as sponsors, providing them with financial support for plant development labour and required aftercare. SITE SPECIFIC [SEE MAPS] «Sponsor 102 Planta Mi Arbol» maps You can see on our sites where they are helping us replant this land .

Tree Planting Sponsor

Planta Mi Arbol

Costa Rican organization dedicated to planting trees on behalf of other companies and individuals, around the world. We are connecting with New Growth and their established reforestation and tree donations program and we are acting as sponsors, providing them with financial support for plant development labour and required aftercare. SITE SPECIFIC [SEE MAPS] «Sponsor 102 Planta Mi Arbol» maps You can see on our sites where they are helping us replant this land .

Planting Partner

Plant For Planet

We used to have about 6 trillion trees on earth. Tragically, humans have cut down half, so only 3 trillion trees remain. In a perfect world, we would bring back all these lost trees. But we also need land to grow food. So we cannot restore all 3 trillion lost trees. But there is good news: we can restore up to 1 trillion trees without encroaching on agricultural land. These new forests could capture between 488 and 1012 billion tons of CO2.

Planting Partner

Plant For Planet

We used to have about 6 trillion trees on earth. Tragically, humans have cut down half, so only 3 trillion trees remain. In a perfect world, we would bring back all these lost trees. But we also need land to grow food. So we cannot restore all 3 trillion lost trees. But there is good news: we can restore up to 1 trillion trees without encroaching on agricultural land. These new forests could capture between 488 and 1012 billion tons of CO2.

Funding for wild tree planting in local forests


We collaborate with Eco matcher in supporting our tree nurseries and planting program for wild tree funding and restoration of local native forests. Additional funding is directed through to our co-op for free donations of cash crops, and fruit and nut trees . We want to build a strong resilient community spirit, and a strong co-op that can improve the lives of their community while protecting the environment they live in.

Funding for wild tree planting in local forests


We collaborate with Eco matcher in supporting our tree nurseries and planting program for wild tree funding and restoration of local native forests. Additional funding is directed through to our co-op for free donations of cash crops, and fruit and nut trees . We want to build a strong resilient community spirit, and a strong co-op that can improve the lives of their community while protecting the environment they live in.

Support of children in home in Katmandu


We support Indrenni in different ways, from vegetable production to sponsoring the growing of vegetables and fruit trees for the health and wellbeing of the children’s home. This year we supported the educational aspect with over seventy thousand worth of computers for the children’s education.

Support of children in home in Katmandu


We support Indrenni in different ways, from vegetable production to sponsoring the growing of vegetables and fruit trees for the health and wellbeing of the children’s home. This year we supported the educational aspect with over seventy thousand worth of computers for the children’s education.

Tree Planting Sponsor

Die Ofenmacher

Our aim is the widespread introduction of smokefree stoves especially in developing countries. We are currently active in Nepal, Ethiopia and Kenya. We started in Nepal and launched the first projects there. Cooking on open fires with all the resulting problems is a worldwide issue

Tree Planting Sponsor

Die Ofenmacher

Our aim is the widespread introduction of smokefree stoves especially in developing countries. We are currently active in Nepal, Ethiopia and Kenya. We started in Nepal and launched the first projects there. Cooking on open fires with all the resulting problems is a worldwide issue