The humble goat changes lives for people in Nepal

The people who live in the community of Simthali are vulnerable, subject to the vagaries of nature and harsh weather that often cuts off access to the city. New Growth’s ability, with your help, to donate animals to those who with little land to support themselves is hugely important.
The passing of goat gifts is an integral part of what New Growth is trying to do in supporting the community to support themselves and thus sustain their way of life. It is not only goats that can help with this, but also chickens, cows, fruit and nut trees and cash crops from the co-op.
This is not a hand out, but a mechanism to give people the confidence to start to take charge of their lives.
Your gift of an animal or a tree is an important part of what we are trying to do in Nepal in supporting those less fortunate than ourselves.
Help us to help the poor Nepalese and take comfort knowing that your gift will have a huge impact in sustaining and improving their daily lives.